Wednesday, March 10, 2004


This morning on the train, a woman got on, leaned against the door, and took out her copy of The DaVinci Code to read. I noticed that she was wearing new pants. You could tell she had never worn these pants before. But I wasn't the only one who could tell. Everyone around me could. Not only did they have a certain sheen, but she forgot to take off the pant size sticker. It was still stuck to her pants, running down the back of her thighs. POLO JEANS CARGO 6X32, all the way down. It's the new look on Da Streets. And I saw it first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can someone tell me why the da vinci code is such a popular book? i tried reading a bit of it...and i equate to how really bad movies make millions of dollars.
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