Thursday, May 15, 2008

I got 236 points in Scrabble Blast for the word DOZEN.
That is all.


Brandon said...


Hey Im looking to get a new digital camera..

I need a nice sleek and slim camera thats takes GOOD pics..and fast

also under $300..

any recommendations?
help me plz

Simone said...

Um, what's wrong with the camera we bought you for Christmas?

Hey Henry-love this new chat feature you added.

Oh, and I got 278 for PROJECT.

Beat that sucka!

H3NR7 said...

Not bad Simone. Not bad.

Whaddup Brandon? LOL and all that!

Sorry. There is no such thing as a camera that does all the things you want for under $300. You will need to spend at least $1,300. In Euros. So you better work your ass off this summer.

Maybe you should take up drawing.

Brandon said...

lol..I see alot on BEST BUY for under $300!

Im looking at Point and shoot...duh!


H3NR7 said...

I'd recommend the Digital Blue-Hannah Montana Pix Click Micro Digital Camera.
It's only $19.99.
What's great about this camera is that it'll teach you to appreciate the great camera your Aunt Simone got you for Christmas.

Brandon said...



I actually decided to keep it...

I love this camera..
(I get into these moods when I look at stuff online and want them, but Sim told me to always wait a day and see if I really want it or not and I really do not need a new cam..)

Thanks again Simone ;)
I love ya...

Simone said...

You are very wise young man. But you are not a jedi yet. Still, I am so happy you took my advice.

The last post on your photo blog is 13 months 5 days old.

Hi Henry! Did you see BG yet?

Brandon said...

Oops! I forgot about that Blog! lol..

I have to start taking pics again and posting!

And yup I love your advice!

H3NR7 said...

I'm watching BSG now. They're cutting off Gaeta's leg.

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