Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Mocha Booze

Figured out how to upload my personal images onto this Blog. You need to use another server to host pics since Blogger doesn't.
I'm hoping to create semi daily photo triptychs related to or inspired by each day.

This Saturday, I found myself in this place called Sunnyside, Queens. I was meeting Alan & Ariana and their 17-month-old daughter, Bernadette for dinner. I haven't seen them in a year and we had a great time catching up. Dinner was at this place called Sidetracks. At first Bernadette was suspicious of me but I think babies take their cues from their parents. I was making Ariana laugh so B. was very comfortable with me. She was surprisingly well behaved and kept telling me her name. After we dropped B. off at her grandparents, we went back to continue drinking at the bar. The bartender had short-cropped black hair. Alan thought she was Black Irish, but her accent said Croatian to me. Turned out she's Slovenian, very pretty and just as soon as I started up a conversation, Ari took over by talking about her baby. But it turns out she was married and just had a kid too but it would've been nice just to talk to her without Ari hogging all the attention.

After I ditched the saboteur, insert smiley face here :), I came back to the city and met with Dave & Sim to help Eric celebrate his birthday. Went to Ranchos on the Upper West Side. The place was full of Latinas with all out cleavage. Front and back. Eric tried to order a chocolate frozen margarita but was discouraged by the waiter. We weren't too sure if it was because it tasted nasty or because it was a girly drink. So he ordered a mango frozen margarita. So did I.

The movie Deliverance was on cable and it happened to be coming up to the "squeal like a pig" scene. It wasn't till I got to college that I realized the movie was profoundly edited. Up to that moment, I thought that Ned Beatty's character and the Appalachian gentleman were just mud wrestling. I thought that it must be so uncomfortable getting mud all in his tightie whities. I was not prepared for what I saw. Poor Otis.

Sunday I went to see the Chuck Close show. Crowded, but worth it. Great large sized prints. My two favorite were Alex / Reduction Block and Lucas / Woodcut. Very inspiring. Over heard a guy saying, "This takes no talent at all."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you didn't think I'd find you hidding out in a blog! I heard it's a place for "attention hogging saboteurs", insert obnoxious face here, so I thought I'd feel welcome insert smiley face
anyway.. i think you should thank me, right now you may have been selling imported croatian cigarettes in a small but notable Bosnian town OR breaking up a slovenian family with crabmeat dumplings and chocolate margaritas!! Either way you take your coffee, it wouldn't have been a pretty site. I think too highly of you. I can't picture you selling blankets from a truck or of being a homewrecker.
Enjoy your frolicks just don't go to the Jazzhole . smiley face
Ariana | | Email | Sat, Apr 10, 2004 // 2:01:21 am | #